We’re knee-deep in tax forms and legal documentation this week (with a nice little dash of healthcare forms thrown in, new for this year). Our families miss us (though apparently, according to the commercial last night, all will be forgiven if I purchase my child a Nissan Maxima), and we’re still in the first quarter of OUR yearly Super Bowl. Fortunately, before we left for the office this morning, we made sure to bubble wrap our children so that they wouldn’t perish before tax season’s completion (thank you, Nationwide Insurance).

And speaking of children … well, my riff on those Super Bowl commercials leads me to what I’m writing about today.

When we sit down with a client during tax season, we are picking through history — we are helping you to sort through your 2014, and to make sure that the numbers match … AND, of course, that YOU are able to take advantage of every possible legal and ethical method to hold on to your hard-earned dollars (or sometimes receive a nice bump in your supply from a refundable tax credit).

But we also like to spend time future-casting with our clients, if they let us.

In conversations about the future, we can make the most careful plans when it comes to the disposition of our financial assets, but can we also think … bigger?

Kevin Roberts Suggests You Don’t Just Pass Along Money …
“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” – Robert Frost

Too many tax and accounting firms focus only on the financials, and neglect to help families identify, articulate and pass along their dreams, passions and hopes for their children and loved ones.

Yes, some families take the bull by the horns, and do this themselves, but it makes really good sense to get outside help in making absolutely sure that every base has been touched.

Because really — what are you after with all of that money we help you save on your taxes?

It’s worth putting some thought into it.

Specifically, your children and your loved ones should be able to have resources and tangible memories which help them answer these kinds of questions:

* What dreams did they have for me?
* How have they seen the world change around them, and how do they feel about it?
* What kind of family were they hoping to create?
* Were there any mistakes made which they’d like to see me avoid?
* What activities were they most glad to have participated in?
* How did they make decisions about what to do as a family?

There are of course more questions like this that you could cover … but the main point I want to make with you is this:

You just never know when these questions will be asked.

And, I hope you put in place the right tools to make sure they’ve got the answers when they need them most. Whether that is after your “work is done” on this little planet — or, even better, while you still have the time to affect it all.

We are in your corner, and want to think bigger with you. Let us be your advisors in matters like these.

To your family’s financial and emotional peace…


Kevin Roberts
(502) 426-0000

Roberts CPA