Last week I wrote about all the chaos that our culture seems to be experiencing, and how things feel like they are fraying around the edges.

Well, not only do we seem to be more divided than ever (with a heaping slice of online bitterness thrown in), but each of us carries our own private fears and struggles having to do with our own circumstances — be they financial, business-related, family, or otherwise.

So it seems right that I would take this time, as I have occasionally done in the past, to remind you of a few things:

Roberts’ Key Reminder #1: What you choose to “ingest” will greatly impact your state-of-mind. Garbage in, garbage out, as they say. And, of course, the opposite is true — when you surround yourself with excellence and clear-eyed determination, you find that your heart and mind carry much greater strength.

Temper your political media intake, as most outlets are (quite literally) merchants of fear.

From a financial standpoint, the stock market seems to be an emotional “port in the storm” right now, but this leads me to…

Roberts’ Key Reminder #2: The only thing certain about the stock market is that it’s volatile. So for those of you with many assets resting there, don’t make moves out of panic or greed. Sit down to discuss a tax-advantaged strategy … not a knee-jerk emotional response.

Roberts’ Key Reminder #3: The only thing you can truly control is yourself. You can’t control the market, you can’t control our domestic politics (unless, of course, anyone in the Trump administration is reading this — perhaps you people can!), and there’s a real sense in which you can’t even, really, control your salary and income.

So, with those key reminders in mind, here’s what I suggest:

Call my office this week: (502) 426-0000 (or reply to this strategy note by sending us an email through the email us button at the top of the page) and request one of our limited Tax Planning Saver Sessions. During this session, we will analyze your current situation and identify clear action steps for the last quarter of 2019 — designed to save your bottom line hundreds (or even thousands).

You CAN control your tax strategy … and we can help.

I’m grateful for our chance to serve you and your business — and we are dedicated to its success. Which means that we are here to be PROACTIVE on your behalf.

Can other Louisville accountants say that?

Feel free to share this post with a business associate or client you know who could benefit from our assistance. While these particular articles usually relate to business strategy, as you know, we specialize in tax preparation and planning for families and business owners.



Kevin Roberts

(502) 426-0000

Roberts CPA Group