For Small Businesses

Your business’ profitability and operational efficiency are at the center of your business’ success!

Our experience, professionalism, and attention to detail make our business services second-to-none. As a Licensed CPA team, we look forward to the opportunity to help transform your business’ financials as we work with you to establish short and long-term strategies for growth and profitability.

Whether you need help starting a business, cleaning up your books, setting up QuickBooks, business coaching, payroll services, or other strategic consulting, we can help you.

It’s Madness Out There! …

The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men. - George Eliot ...well, "March Madness", that is! Churchill: The Hollywood Years ipod Unfortunately, this little national hoops holiday isn't one which my staff and I get much...

Kevin Roberts’ Tax Checklist for Louisville Taxpayers

Every year within the independent tax and accounting business community here in Louisville (and on various online channels), we have a little fun laughing at the newest TurboTax or Block commercials. Last year, it was "all people are tax people". This year, they're...

The Truth About Credit Cards

You can use the fanciest computers to gather the numbers, but in the end you have to set a timetable and act. - Lee Iacocca How was your Memorial Day Weekend? Mine was pleasant...and, of course, sobering. With all of the news flying around this week (North Korea,...

A Trusted Louisville Professional’s Thoughts For Your 2019 Taxes

November is a wonderful start for holiday season with several traditions to match: pumpkin-spiced everything, no-shave November (apologies to those spouses affected), watching football and of course ... Thanksgiving.Sorry to poke my accountant's green shades into all...

Attention Louisville Tax Payers: Identity Thieves Want YOUR Tax Return

In a moment, I'll show you why this is so important for Louisville tax preparation clients. Because the hits keep on coming for Target Corp, and it's unfortunate for them because they seem to be a company that works hard at doing things well. In fact, they were on the...

Louisville Businesses Should Focus Less On Sales Pitch And More On Adding Value

This summer has been rough. Our culture seems to be fraying around the edges (if not worse), and even if you are successful at staying focused on what's most important for you, your family, and your business, it's difficult not to be troubled at some level by our...

Kevin Roberts’ Take On Bad Predictions By Experts

Well, we're staring into the fresh light of 2019 -- and that means that we can now take a good, dispassionate look back at our progress towards what we were aiming for in 2018. Which leads to the big question: How was your 2018?I often believe that reviewing your year...

Why Louisville Married Owners Might Choose the QJV Route

Remember three years ago when you depended on Zoom for work meetings and virtual schooling for your kids? While you’re probably really grateful the second one isn’t a reality anymore, the first one still had its appeal (unless something like this...

Kevin Roberts’ Breakdown of the Candidates Tax Plans

As I promised, I have some information for you about the broad strokes of the potential income and business tax policies of our candidates for President this year. It's obviously a politically-charged issue, and so I've drawn from my own analysis, as well as the...

Your Louisville Tax Friend’s Thoughts on Navigating a Banking Crisis

Crisis is a word that gets used a lot these days. Especially in headlines. It’s loaded with meaning… and feelings. These days you might find yourself spinning out with something like panic, dread, fear, anxiety, and any variety of mental/emotional...

How You're Missing Legal Tax Deductions

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.
But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!